Monday, April 25, 2011

Are You Listening?

Are you trying any of the things I talk about in these blogs?  Are you having success?  Do you need different information?

If you're not listening or trying what I talk about, if you're not getting more successful, then for me, this blog is an exercise in futility and self-delusion that I can put away. 

I want to hear from you.  I want to know what's working.  I want to inspire others that it's NOT just theory, that marketing better makes you money!  So talk to me, please!  I've made it easier to leave comments at the blog, you can reply to this if you get it in your inbox.

In the last six months here are the topics I've talked about:
  1. Putting on events
  2. Press Releases
  3. Goal Setting (twice)
  4. Copywriting
  5. Word of Mouth Marketing
  6. Creating a unique niche
  7. Practicing the techniques
  8. How Marketing is a tool for real life
  9. Headlines (thrice)
  10. Information Overload
  11. Hunkering Down
  12. Being different
  13. In person selling (listening)
  14. Showing Love to customers
  15. Listening (again)
  16. The disgruntled customer
  17. Marketing is a skill anyone can learn
  18. Being Memorable
  19. About seeing the upside
  20. Places to market
 Shall I continue or are you already superb marketers?


1 comment:

Dianna said...

Ellie, I know how frustrating it is to not receive feedback. I can no longer read Headlines without thinking either "they need to read Ellie's book" or "they must have read Ellie's book." I am a great supporter and recommend your books to anyone struggling with marketing. We also donate at least one of your books at the silent auctions we participate in at alpaca shows. Keep up the great work are an inspiration. Dianna Jordan, Alpacas of Somerset Farm